WoW Memeage!
Okay, I’m joining in on the fun, and posting a visual guide to my WoW characters:
First, my main, the little curmudgeon known as Dunain:
This isn’t quite true to life. There should be ale-stains on the tabbard….
And, as you can see…. Lance is huge….
My primary alt is Farmishi. She’s an old character of mine. …And after hearing all the sniping at Blizzard about how skimpy much of the female Plate armor is, she had to give it a try. (In the culture she’s from formal dueling armor looks like it came out of Outlanders, so it’s not a problem to her.) However, by and large, it’s just not that bad. She was happy with the Jade armor set, but her current equipment (3 levels later) is down to just the shield, everything else has been replaced. She’s also an armsmaster. That is, she keeps up with every weapon skill she has, and keeps one of each kind on her. Currently a level 51 Paladin, here’s her show armor, her current adventuring armor, and all her weapons:
My main for Minions of the Fickle Moos is a Troll frost mage named Malzina. After the last two, I don’t play on her as often as I’d like. I certainly like the movement control.
I also started a Night Elf warrior named Merisan with the idea that she would keep Smudge from having to always play Blanc. (We’re a bit short on warriors.) At my rate of play, Blanc should be able to retire in three years or so. I really like the two-handed action pose here….
Cylisia is a Night Elf priest, little sister of Blanc and constant companion of Honesty. She is a little unstable and prone to bouts of megalomania. Thankfully, Honesty is a stabilizing influence on her. She’s also going Discipline spec, and boy does she need it….
My member of Invaders of the Pass is a low-level undead warrior named Euphaline. The plan is to try out some PvP with her, but we’ll see if I get that far. Shotalia is a low-level Tauren shaman on Uldum, who I created to talk to an old friend, who has unfortunately had to quit due to financial issues. Fredregund is my first WoW character, still a mere level 18 Tauren druid on Dragonblight. She’s the one that got me sucked into WoW in the first place, before I created Dunain to go help out Blanc, because it was obvious that he needed someone to clean up the messes he was getting into…
I have a few other characters scattered about, but these are all the ones that I’m likely to play at any given time. And generally, I stick with the Minions of the Fickle Muse and Moos.
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